BoxC respects local and international rules and laws implemented in the context of strengthening global security through international sanctions. Therefore any shipment with BoxC could require review or prevented if the shipper or the receiver involved in the transaction is linked to an individual or entity that is on a country or international Denied Parties list or its content or destination breaches country-based sanctions.

Denied Parties are individuals or entities that have been denied shipping privileges by government agencies because they are involved in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundering or terrorism. Any transactions with someone on this list that would violate the terms of its denial order are limited or even prohibited. Country-based sanctions are where the sanctions apply to the country/territory as a whole and not specific individuals.

Every shipment created in BoxC is screened in order to point out any anomaly or a possible link to any of the country or international Denied Party lists we screen against or that could breach the country-based sanctions. Our mission is to ensure that we don’t carry any shipment from or to a Denied Party or, deliver any item which breaches country-based sanctions, that can result in fines or penalties to consignors or carriers.