Mail disruption due to Coronavirus
the designated operator of Belgium, bpost, informs that, following some improvements in the international transport situation, it is now able to send letter-post and parcel-post items, from 12 May 2020 onwards, to the following additional destinations: Brazil, Canada, China (People’s Rep.), the Russian Federation and the United States of America. The full list of destination countries is liable to change every day and is available at
Currently, bpost cannot accept letter-post or parcel-post items for destinations to which there is no transport capacity.
Owing to limited capacity, bpost is still not able to guarantee delivery standards. Under these circumstances, the force majeure situation previously announced continues.
Botswana Postal Services (BotswanaPost), would like to inform that the Government of Botswana has further extended the lockdown until 22 May 2020; international flights were already suspended until the same date. These measures are having a significant impact on the collection, transmission and delivery of all postal products.
BotswanaPost is hoping that it will be able to resume its services as of 1 June 2020.
The designated operator of Chile, CorreosChile, informs that it will resume the dispatch of outbound international mail (letters, small packages, parcels and EMS) to the following destinations: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Rep., Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong (China), Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
As a reminder, CorreosChile is currently accepting inbound international mail (letters, small packages, parcels and EMS) while maintaining the situation of force majeure declared on 18 March 2020, which could still cause delays in delivery times for all inbound and outbound mail.
CorreosChile is continually monitoring the situation as it evolves and will adopt corrective measures accordingly.
Estonian Post informs that, since 5 May all inbound items are being delivered as follows:
- Delivery standards are not yet fully adaptable, but are as normal as possible;
- All courier shipments requiring a signature are delivered to the addressee (there is a photo of the address card signed by the addressee);
- Registered letters containing documents are delivered without a required signature to the recipient’s postal box;
- All registered small packets are available via pick up points.
The designated operator of Grenada, Grenada Postal Corporation, informs that the initial curfew placed on the island of Grenada due to the coronavirus pandemic is gradually being lifted. Until further notice, Grenada Postal Corporation’s designated days of operation, as permitted by the government, will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
While the airport remains closed to passengers, it is still able to receive letter and parcel dispatches via cargo flights.
Latvian Government has extended the state of emergency until at least 9 June 2020. Therefore, the situation of force majeure previously declared is being extended until further notice, and the measures announced previously continue to apply.
Despite these circumstances, Latvijas Pasts continues to operate, accepting postal items destined for all countries and sending them via alternative routes.
The designated operator of Lebanon, LibanPost, informs that, on 12 May 2020, the Lebanese Government decided to reinstate complete lockdown measures for a four-day period, owing to the fact that the number of COVID-19 cases has started to rise again.
These exceptional measures will come into force on 13 May 2020 at 19.00 and will apply until 18 May 2020 at 5.00.
Consequently, LibanPost will close its entire postal network, including post offices, distribution offices, the office of exchange and all support units (customer service, accounts, etc.).
The Government of Nepal has further extended the lockdown until 18 May 2020. This, together with the suspension of all incoming international flights, which is extended until 31 May 2020, is affecting the collection, processing and delivery of all mail.
New Caledonia
The designated operator of New Caledonia, OPT-NC, wishes to inform that, with effect from 14 May 2020:
- The acceptance of inbound mail (letter-post, parcel-post and EMS items) will no longer be subject to restrictions;
- The sending of outbound mail (letter-post, parcel-post and EMS items) will resume gradually, according to the transit capacity of the relevant offices of exchange.
Peruvian Government has decided to further extend the current state of emergency until 24 May 2020.
Postal services in Peru therefore remain suspended until that date.
The state of emergency in Romania is being replaced by a state of alert with effect from 15 May 2020.
Therefore, the situation of force majeure previously declared by Poșta Română is being extended until further notice.
For this reason, as stated previously, Poșta Română can no longer guarantee service delivery standards (including delivery times, and other quality parameters) applicable under UPU and associated or related bilateral and multilateral agreements.
Russian Post is currently using road and rail routes to forward its international outbound mail to the countries of the European Union and other countries to which such means of transport are affordable, whereas sea or air routes are being used to deliver mail to countries to which it is not possible to deliver mail by road or rail. EMS items are being forwarded as priority mail by air transport. Given the situation, delays are to be expected in the forwarding of Russian Post’s outbound mail items.
The designated operator of Samoa, Samoa Post, informs that the Samoan Government has extended the state of emergency until 2 June 2020. All postal services remain suspended until further notice.
Correos would like to update members about the extension of the Status of Alert until May 24th, 2020. However the Status of Alert may be extended for an uncertain period of time.
This will have a major impact on operations and, consequently, Correos will be unable to ensure, until new advice, the quality of service for all types of inbound and outbound mail (letter post, parcels and EMS) and the delivery standards for items under signature under the UPU Regulation, as well as the bilateral or multilateral agrees signed with other designated postal operators.
Moreover, Correos do hereby inform that, due to the increase of road transportation and the operational conditions imposed by the current COVID-19 crisis, the unloading of trucks arriving at Madrid-Barajas OE with bulky load and non-palletized could experience some delays up to 48-72 hours.
In parallel, Correos is already working on its de-escalation plan to come back gradually to normal within the following weeks.
Sri Lanka
The designated operator of Sri Lanka, the Department of Posts, informs that, although measures aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka will continue to limit the services provided, the Department of Posts is now able to process and deliver all inbound international mail. It therefore asks all UPU member countries and their designated operators to forward their mail items addressed to Sri Lanka wherever possible.
Delivery of these items will be strictly in line with the national health guidelines introduced by the government, and as such the usual delivery standards for letter-post, parcel-post and EMS items cannot be guaranteed. The force majeure situation previously declared therefore remains unchanged until further notice.