Products should mirror the products that you intend to have BoxC pick, pack and ship for your

Each product in the BoxC system should be unique to a specific product e.g. Mens Red T Shirt Large. While the Product Name should describe the specific product, the Customs Description should describe the item; in this case, Mens T Shirt. See Description Best Practices for more information.

The SKU of a product must be unique for each Shop. If you sell the same product in multiple shops, the SKU can remain the same.

Please pay attention to the Prohibited and Dangerous Goods information included in this document and make sure to keep your product database up to date as only orders that have line items matching products will be imported.

Adding Products

There are 3 methods of adding products:

CSV Import

Products > Import

You can import a CSV containing your products at your convenience. To import products, you will need to download the template. Sample rows have been provided. Check the Import Products page for details on mandatory and optional fields.

Manual Entry

Products > Create a Product

Use this page to manually create an product in the fulfillment system (one-by-one). All fields marked with a * must be entered and all order information must be submitted in English.

The Value must be declared in USD. This will be used when creating your shipments and declaring the value to customs in various countries and should match the sale transaction price of the items you are shipping.